Our Mission


︱『Safety First』『Quality Foremost』『Professional Leadership』︱

To deliver the safest, the most effective, and highest quality products to customers, constantly improve innovative cultivation and professional manufacturing process. Taiwan Leader Biotech Corporation got a strong R&D center has researched the effect of T. camphoratus for many years.



Future outlook


︱Benefiting Health and Providing Happiness︱

1.Market Development:

  1. Through various professional international exhibitions, discussing international strategic alliance partners, conducting international OEM, raw materials and product agency distribution and other export business promotions.
  2. Focusing on ASEAN countries, cooperating with local OEM factories to expand the company's international market opportunities.
  3. In the domestic market, seeking cooperation with biotech and health food brand manufacturers to supply raw materials and custom different forms of Niu-Chang-Chih products to increase domestic market share, and to cooperate with Taiwanese manufacturers to expand overseas markets through raw material supply.

2.Product Development and Certification:

  1. Continuously carrying out follow-up matters for the registration and permission of new food resources and "enhanced immunity" in mainland China.
  2. Applying for import permit of raw materials and products in Vietnam.
  3. Applying for import permit of raw materials and products in Malaysia.
  4. Applying for the US FDA's GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) safe food certification.

3.Research and Development:

  1. Development of different Niu-Chang-Chih products and new formulations to meet the needs of different customers.
  2. Development and verification of health effects of Niu-Chang-Chih beverages.
  3. Establishing reference standards to assist the industry in establishing Niu-Chang-Chih quality standards.
  4. Multi-application of afforestation of Niu-Chang tree.
  5. The development of LEAC-102 botanic drug and clinical trial.


  1. Continuously carrying out Niu-Chang tree rehabilitation and afforestation.
  2. Establishing Niu-Chang tree cutting and tissue culture breeding systems to provide high-quality seedlings for afforestation.
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